Bhutan Data Centre Services

Data Centre Services

Make your digital transformation into a reality
along with Bhutan data centre services

Data Centre Services

Make your digital transformation into a reality
along with Bhutan data centre services

Data Centre Services

Make your digital transformation into a reality
along with Bhutan data centre services

Safe, Secure, reliable and Carrier- Neutral Data Centre

Digital technologies are transforming the world with rapid growth of digital data every day , As we all are moving along with the new technologies with growing demand of Data Center solutions, the Bhutan Data Center Service (DCS) can provide the platform to meet your growing demand.

We deliver Data Centre solutions with quality services, reliable power and cooling efficiency, carrier-neutral, guaranteed up-time, high performance and reliabilities.

why choose us

Bhutan Data Centre Services

Strategic Location

DCS is located in close proximity to Thimphu city but located away from sources of continued vibrations like the airport (45 km) and other high risk zones, and is situated well above the flood level for the locality

Power and Cooling

Hydro powered, zero carbon. Dual power feeders from diverse sub-stations Olakha and Semtokha via separate routes. Dual redundant K-rated transformers from ABB. Volvo generator with underground fuel tanks

Safe Place for Your Data

High floor loading capacity without raise flooring. Anti-static flooring imported from Ecotile, UK. Racks ganged and floor-fixed for seismic stability. Overhead power and communication trays from Sequent Automation.

Tech Support Availability

DCS is manned by technical personnel who are OEM certified and have excellent hands-on experience on various complex IT solutions.

Network Connectivity

The data center has multiple connections from two ISPs with upgradable options at anytime and also connected to National fiber grid systems.


24/7 onsite manned security. Nitgen biometric access control. Video Surveillance and 24/7 monitoring.

who we are

Data Centre Services Private Limited

Data Centre Services Pvt. Ltd. (DCS) is a Joint Venture between NewEdge Technolgies Pvt. Ltd. of Thimphu,. Data Centre Services Pvt. Ltd. operates the Tier 2/3 Internet Data Centre which is located inside the Thimphu TechPark. DCS Ltd. is uniquely positioned to provide whole suite of data center infrastructure & managed services with high power density allowing our customer to populate more compute infrastructure in lesser footprint thus reducing the operational expenses.

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Years of experience
on Data Centre Services

Our Vision

Accelerate innovation with world-class tech teams. We help businesses elevate their value.

Our Mission

Accelerate innovation with world-class tech teams. We help businesses elevate their value.


Services We Provide

Data Storage

The digital transformation is changing our lives, the way we do shopping, banking, learning, playing, working etc.

Colocation Services

Customer can Collocate your servers, storage, network equipment in our Data Center Depending on your need we provide rack space, stable and reliable power

Managed Services

In addition to the collocation service, customer can also opt for managed service from our highly experience and OEM certified technical team

Hosted Services

Data Center hosting is primarily done through a cloud or managed data center service. The data and applications are migrated from the existing data center

Offline backup

Organization can also take the critical data backup in the external devices like in hard drives, flash drives, Tapes, DVDs etc.